Get ready for the exams
The dead line for the exams is very close. Eating and sleeping better is an important asset to succeed this important passage:
Help for the memory, learning and concentration:
Invite to your table the vitamins from B group: particularly B1 and B12 improve concentration and memory. Also allowing a good functioning of the nervous system, as stress (the good stress!) can increase energy and enthusiasm when we don’t let emotions taking over.
So, top up with wholegrain cereals, oleaginous (nuts, walnuts, almonds…) etc.
Food rich in vitamins, oligo-elements (element traces) and minerals (fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, oleaginous…) are great allies for the good functioning of the body.
Don’t forget the oily fish and cold pressed oils for the brain.
Improve the concentration and clear mind
A blend of essential oils in a little bottle to use different way
Essential oil of Thyme (thujanol) – 20 drops
Essential oil of peppermint – 10 drops
Essential oil of Basil – 10 drops
Virgin oil of Apricot – 50 drops
- Use in a essential oil diffuser
- Put 4 drops of the blend on the solar plexus (on the stomach between the last ribs), morning and evening
- put 3 drops on the inside of the wrist 2 to 3 times/day and breathe deeply
If you tend to have a hard time to concentrate and focussed: a drop of Spruce Black (Picea Marianna) on the inside of you wrists when studying or during exam will ground your energy and you will keep focussed.
Keep calm, cut short fear
Avoid coffee, alcohol, sodas, tobacco… stimulants will not boost, but perturb your faculties, make you having agitated sleep and irritable mood.
You can not afford to be on edge and cut off you sleeping time, it is better to be in good form on the Day.
Try herb teas of passiflora, hop, hawthorn, valerian, orange blossom… all of these plants have sedative and relaxing aiming in the end of the day.
With essential oils, few drops of good quality lavender, mandarin or ylang ylang (on the pillow, on the plexus or in the diffuser) are a great help to calm the stress.
To free tensions, improve confidence in you capacity to succeed
Do sport: when we need all our mental power, nothing is better than getting some air and do sport. It is an excellent way to give a rest to your brain and change your mind. Enjoy some ray of sun to go for a walk, running, cycling, play ball… do you favourite activity to free your tensions. Breath deeply to relax and to give you a new impulse of energy.
Don’t forget - relaxation + sport + revising will be the recipe for success!