Thursday, 21 July 2011

Beautiful skin and anti-ageing mask with Honey

For thousand years, honey has been used not only just as a sweetener but essentially for its aniseptique properties and healing the skin. It is renowned for healing skin scares and wounds and accelerating the healing of burn.

 Honey has different actions for the skin: anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and powerful tissue growth activator.

 Try it on a burn, it is surprising: start by putting the burnt area under fresh water for few minutes, dry it gently, and directly put a thick layer of honey, it will melt  and will only leave  few droplets of honey on the surface of the skin. The Pain will be extensively reduced. The healing will be activated and the skin will be quickly regenerated, the burn mark will disappear rapidly and without pain.

 Same with sunburn, wound; honey have the capacity of disinfecting and cleanse the wound, while activating the healing.
Honey contains anti-oxidant which gives its anti-ageing qualities, it works at the skin level, but also deeply as it captures the molecules of water; and so nourishes and re-hydrate. It is particularly recommended for dry or irritated skins.

That is why honey is a precious ingredient of the homemade beauty recipes: Nourishing and nurturing, beautifying, anti-ageing, smoothing, hydrating, honey is all of those!

Pamper your skin with this homemade Anti-wrinkle and hydrating mask with a synergy of essential oil and honey:
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon of crème fraîche
  • 1 tablespoon of accacia honey (*)
  • 3 drops of either of these essential oils: geranium (Perlargonium graveolens), palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini), rosewood (Aniba rosaeaodora); or a drop of each (**)
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl until the texture is smooth.
Apply on the face and neck and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse with rose water (hydrolat) or fresh water
Essential oil of Geranium is astringent, firming, rejuvenating and anti-wrinkle
Essential oil of Palmarosa is firming and anti-wrinkle
Essential oil of Rosewood is regenerating and anti-wrinkle
Simpler recipe: just apply the honey directly on the skin and leave it for half an hour before rinsing it with clear water and/or rose water. Instant beauty effect!

* The quality of the honey is crucial; make sure that it is pure and preferably organic
** Make sure that the essential oil genotype is mentioned, chose quality essential oil as there are lots of impure essential oils on the market (even when mentioned pure on the packaging). Good brands are Neal’s Yeard, Eve Taylor, essential oils on….

copyright © 2011 Florence McVeigh

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