Friday, 21 October 2011

Winter infection prevention: Easy and practical recommendations - Part 1

Light and temperature variation, stress of work or school and awareness that we are in the winter, plays an important role in our health. Suddenly our immune defenses may weaken and we already report ENT (ears, nose and throat) problems. Strengthening our immune defenses can prepare us to fight any flu, cold and bacterial attack. We will see all the aspects in naturopathy:

Winter infection prevention: Easy and practical recommendations

As well as basic hygienic measures such as frequent washing of hands, we certainly can do something to boost immunity for ourselves and our children and to help defend against infection. So I will tell you how to help with Food, exercises, strengthen defenses with natural supplements and herbal therapy, with aromatherapy for the winter; and how to tackle one of your worst enemies.

       I.      Food:

1ST: Diet is important, we should not forget that it is the first factor which is polluting and burdening the body.
So it is important to adopt a hypo-toxic diet and nutrition rich in antioxidant such as having raw food at the beginning or during every meal, I mean salads, and have lots of fresh vegetables and fruits (fruits at breakfast and outside of the meals). But I should add that we should follow the energy of the season, as Chinese medicine recommends, and eat mainly the fruits and vegetables of the season. There are good reasons for it.
Adding fresh ginger and raw onion in dishes will boost the immune defenses.

Ginger: is an excellent tonic, warming, stimulating and efficient against fatigue. Protector of the liver and improves digestion
Onion: general stimulant particularly for the nervous system, liver, kidney functions, powerful diuretic, will help the elimination of urea and chloride: anti rheumatism, antiseptic, anti-infection (as an antibiotic effect, with staphylococcus), expectorant…

2nd step: Hydration – Drinking water is extremely essential and the choice of water crucial: we must drink the least mineralized water which allows the kidneys to function well.

Thirdly, one of the secrets of body protection:
Essential Fatty Acids= OMEGA 3 ET OMEGA 6 (EFA of vit F) : ): 
It has an anti-inflammatory action, makes us less resistant to insulin, stimulates the metabolism, slows the speed with which the stomach empties (prevents nibbling between meals), it also makes assimilation of carbohydrates slower and more efficient. They are important for our nervous system and our brain, joints, intestinal system, immune system, the mood and the cardiovascular system…

Where to find good omegas:
Extra Virgin and cold pressed oils. Avoid the oils which are not cold pressed; they are acting as saturated fat in the body. They are pro-inflammatory. Eliminate margarines which are made with refined and hydrogenated oils, these are Trans fat, this is not food.

Walnut oil has the best ratio of Omega 3 and 6 ratios (must be used cold only). We should use different oils and some are to be used cold only and others can be used for cooking. An adult needs two table spoons of cold pressed oil per day.
▲ Note that palm oil is a very saturated oil.

Eat oily fish: 2 to3 times per week:
Oily fish: mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon, white tuna, cod
Nuts and seeds; excellent sources of omega 6 and a rich source of minerals such as zinc and Selenium:
Flaxseed/linseed: have at least 1 full table spoon per day of grounded seeds. Nuts and seeds balance hunger, great for mood, help with sleeping problems; and boost the good cholesterol.
Chew well: Nuts and seeds (Particularly seeds) to extract the oils (essential fatty acids), vitamins and minerals, as our digestive enzyme can not break the seeds walls and they will pass through our digestive system without assimilation.
Note: Brussels sprouts and cauliflower also contain omega-3.

I advise taking Omega 3 supplements from: salmon, wild fish or krill: 1000mg per day, according to need.

    II.      Physical exercise:

Exercise is important in every day life. However you should never go beyond your ability (especially if re-starting a sport, which you didn’t do for a while) because not exercising is harmful, but exceeding your capacity may be worst.
To improve Immunity we need oxygenation: Green exercise is the best: by this I mean outdoor exercise such as walking from 20 - 45 min per day.
Deep breathing exercises is a must do
Yoga – Pilate- Tai-Chi- Qui gong

Part 2 will approach how  to Strengthen defenses using Oligotherapy (Element-trace therapy) and herbal therapy, having a fully efficient liver,   Aromatherapy for the winter, vitamin supplements and warnings.

copyright © 2011 Florence McVeigh

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