Three basic principles to protect against radioactivity:
Selective absorption: if the body is already saturated in useful minerals, it will absorb much less radioactive minerals. For instance, if the body has a good level of calcium and iodine, it won’t absorb as much the Strontium-90 and l’Iode-131
Chelating: some food attracts radioactive elements and eliminates them from the tissues
Maintain the body in a good level of antioxidants and enzymes, which action will compensate the ones from free radicals released by exposition to radioactivity
1 _ Selective absorption:
First, to make sure that the body is not digging in his own reserve of useful minerals (calcium and magnesium) to maintain its PH, it is good to ensure that the acid/alkaline of the body is optimum. Eliminate particularly the sugar, diminishes the consumption of meat and charcuterie (processed meat: sausages, bacon…). And to accelerate the return to the acid/alkaline balance, you can do this cocktail (adult only):
In a glass:
- ½ tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda
- ½ tea spoon if tartaric acid (if you can not find it take a table spoon of lemon juice which you will add after the warm water: bicarbonate, then warm water and lemon juice, to avoid intense reaction in the glass)
- Fill half the glass with warm water, and quaff it
Drink this mixture 3 time/ day outside of the meals
Now for the iodine (*)
1mg per day for the children, 5mg per day for an adult, reduces 80% radioactive iodine in the thyroid.
Can be absorbed in:
- 1 to 2 teaspoon of kelp
- Or 75g of seaweed (any food form, but it is a lot!)
2 – Chelating:
- Alginate of sodium (10 g per day)
- Alginate of sodium is naturally present in seaweed (kelp, wakame, kombu, iziki, dulse) minimum 85 g per weeks
- Zybicoline, a molecule present in the miso, apparently very efficient to extract radioactivity (miso is a kind of fermented, which can be dissolve in soup or great salad sauces).
- Pectin and other natural fibers (fruits, whole grain cereals, seeds, leguminous). I would suggest to take apple cider vinegar, none pasteurized, every morning, because it contain pectin (chelator of heavy metals) and maintain the PH alkaline (allow a resistant terrain) and you can carry on to take it every morning for life. You can look ate the link about apple cider:
- The sulphurus amino acids, which you will find in all the cabbages family, rocket, radish leafs…
3 - Antioxidant food
- Pollen (fresh or frozen particularly)
- Brewers’ yeast (particularly for the vitamin B12, protection from radiation)
- Garlic and wild Ginseng
- Chlorophyll (salads and raw green leafs, smoothies with green leafs)
- And all the well-known super antioxidants food: red fruits, Gogi berries, Fermented Pomegranate Elixir (Dr. Jacob’s, etc.
Important information: Don’t take commercially available products containing iodine, or iodine pills; this should be prescribed by your GP only. Also taking potassium iodide when there is no radiation can actually damage the thyroid gland.
People with thyroid problem should not take iodine without consulting their GP or specialist.
People allergic to iodine SHOULD not take any products containing iodine: seaweed, fish, seafood…
copyright © 2011 Florence McVeigh
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