Wednesday, 18 May 2011

A beautiful body without Cellulite - Part 1

You will see how the Naturopathic approach combined with the expertise in Aesthetic will offer a natural way and long term result to eliminate cellulite and to retrieve a beautiful body contouring.

What do we think about Cellulite?
Cellulite: worst enemy of millions of women. How to react when the summer days are coming and all the women’s magazines are showing perfectly shaped bodies in bikini?
Our normal attitude is to want to be attractive, to have a nice silhouette, firm, and slim.
 So we may want quick fix actions, work at our diet just for the summer; and forget about that in the winter to recommence the year after.
The truth is there is something we need to work on in continuity, for the long term and not just for the season.

To avoid and fight cellulite there are some interesting points we will need to know:
1)      Where is it located?
2)      Cellulite: what is it? What the causes are?
3)      Types of cellulites: which one is yours?
4)      How to avoid and fight cellulite?
a) Detox and drain
b) Nutrition
c) Exercises
d) Supplements and herbal therapy
e) Lifestyle
f) Body home care, Spa treatment and the good cosmetics

1) Where is it located?
Particularly on the back of the legs and the buttock, but also on the arms, belly and hips.

2) Cellulite what is it? What the causes are?
  • Heavy legs
  • Orange peels appearances
  • Dimpling of the skin
  • Located fat deposit
  • Skin contouring irregularity
Cellulite is not a disease but a symptom.
This is just he reflect of a pathologic changes of the structure of the fat tissues.
The cellulite is the result of an imprisonment of grease, toxins and water in the hypoderm (deep layer of the skin) triggering the formation of nodules (grouping of fat cells (adipocytes) causing the deformation of subcutaneous conjunctive fabric and resulting in a visible deformation of the skin.
When fat cells increase in size, the compartments that contain fat cells expend and produce a wavy appearance of the skin.

Different facts are recognized to be at the origin of the apparition and aggravation of cellulite:

  • Hepatic stasis, inefficient blood and lymphatic circulation, chronic constipation. A bad blood circulation will promote fatty accumulation
  • Hormonal functions (ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid) can be the source of anarchic fatty storage.         Cellulite appears when there is hormonal change: puberty, pregnancy, menopauses, and hormonal contraception.
·   Lack of exercises: The lack of exercises causes poor lymphatic and blood circulation and in particular poor lymph drainage. The skin then becomes bloated with excess fluid.
  • Bad diet – toxic food: In case of bad diet the body stores dietary toxins that the liver cannot break down, in the cells under the skin: white sugar, processed food, cooked animal fat, starch, diary food in excess (from cow particularly)
  • Stress
  • Genetic/ethnic: Cellulite occurs with women of all ethnic origines but more common with Caucasian more that asian.
3) Types of cellulite: which one is yours?

To know if you have cellulite, gently pinch or press an area of tissue between your thumb and finger (or in a larger area, between the palms of your two hands). Normal fat appears fairly smooth, but cellulite will reveal dimples or ripples - like the skin of an orange. Cellulite tissue is also more sensitive and can feel cold to the touch. It might appear whiter than the rest of your skin
There are three type of cellulite:
Cellulite with water retention 
Fat Cellulite
Fibrous cellulite: the hardest one to fight

4) How to avoid and to fight cellulite: the truth
a) Not one of the method offer in the market eliminate cellulite completely and definitively
You will have an improvement which will be greater and durable if you pursuit the treatment.
b) If you are overweight a simple diet won’t get reed of cellulite; and doing a diet is useless if you have normal weight.
c) It is dangerous to take hunger suppressant, diuretics or thyroid extract to treat cellulite.

So, the key to fight cellulite is to purify the body with a combination of exercise, good eating and exercise habits, stress reduction and occasional spa treatments; and some cases, tension reduction and improved circulation.
-See part 2-
copyright © 2011 Florence McVeigh

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