Wednesday, 18 May 2011

A beautifull body without Cellulite - Part 2

A)    DETOX:
Cellulite is related to an accumulation of waist in the cells.
A personnalised detox should be recommended and monitored by your Natural Health Practitioner.
The detox is to drain and reboot the filters, particularly the liver to eliminate the toxins from the blood; but also the kidneys and intestine. Make sure that you are not constipated.
Drink water: pure as possible. This is the excellent natural therapy which helps the overcrowded cells to get reed of the waist and toxins. Only water is water!
Draining and depurative herbal tea containing Birch, cherry stems, borage, orthosiphon, rosemary, dandelion, lime blossom, fennel, meadowsweet, peppermint, pineapple stem … But the best is Sencha green tea (no sugar, no milk).

B) NUTRITION: A sound alimentation will give much better results for short and long term than all diets and regime.
A detoxifying diet is a great way to avoid and fight cellulite. This means eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods.
A low-fat diet, high in fibre and complex carbohydrates, is important because these foods are the easiest for the body to break down, use and get rid of. Animal fats, starch and white sugar are harder for the body to eliminate, so it is better to use unrefined organic cane sugar.
Very Intoxicating food are: processed meat and food, rich sauces, fried food, food with additives, pastries, fizzy water and alcohol.
Use little salt (prefer grey Celtic sea salt or even better: Himalayan salt), be aware of hidden salt in processed food, fast food, industrial sauces, and crisps.
Avoid nibbling to control the insulin and eat at regular time to readjust the metabolic clocks (called the circadian rhythms)

Privilege the good proteins: white meat, fish, eggs, soy products. Also green vegetable are a great anti cellulite nutrition.
Avoid starch but have whole meal cereals, bread at the breakfast to slowdown the absorption of carbs and fats and will provide the fibre indispensable for the digestive system.
During the Naturopathic consultation you will know about the good food combination, the healing food versus toxic food.

C)   EXERCISE: With moderation
Exercise is extremely important in aiding proper circulation and improves the elimination.
It firms muscles and the tissue surrounding the muscles, and then it will leave less room for the fat cells.
Don’t forget some exercises for the belly to combat constipation.

Walking: Walk barefoot: on your grass, on the beach, up the hills; to reach the deep muscles. Walk minimum 20 min per days
Aqua gym: very efficient exercises: Walk in the water (sea or swimming pool), walk backward, run in the water and lift the knees higher, use your hands and arms to push hard on the water
Deep breathing: oxygen the cells and is a fat burner exercise to do every day.

Each type of cellulite has a different origin and will have a different solution. This will be determined during the consultation.
Some of the grand remedies for cellulite in herbal therapy contain: Pineapple stems, birch (from the tree), grape marc extract, fucus, horse chestnut, grapefruit seeds extract... Always seek advice of a specialist.
We can recommend good quality omega 3 and 6, lots of fibre everyday. Psyllium can be recommended to help in case of constipation.
But I will treat specially in oligotherapy as it will help the emunctories and digestive organs to retrieve their natural functions.

Tension not only stresses the muscles; it also blocks the tissue, preventing good waste elimination. Relaxation and deep breathing help the body relax and work properly. Proper breathing eases tension, oxygenates the body and helps with purification.
Yoga and Tai Chi are highly recommended.
· Sleep enough and well
· Do not wear thigh underwear or trousers, high hills or compressive boots: they block the circulation and microcirculation.
·  Nicotine alters blood circulation an decrease oxygenation of the tissues

Exfoliation: 1 or 2 tome week to open the skin to eliminate the toxin, improve sudation and to smooth the skin.
Dry brushing and massage glove: Before shower for the dry brushing and during bath for the massage glove. Do it everyday, really improves the blood and lymphatic circulation, help of the detoxification of the tissues. And you can really insist on the specific area, it is absolutely efficient.

Massage and auto massages: Massage helps restore the body's natural tendencies by manipulating the muscles, and stimulating the circulatory and lymphatic systems that break down fatty tissue. Massage with the palm of your hands and knuckles, in circular movements. The pressure needs go be adapted to the sensitivity.

Aromatherapy: Massages the area with cellulite with a homemade massage oils: using any virgin oils, particularly Hazelnut or apricot with a synergy of maximum three Essential Oils: cypress, cedrus, juniper, lemon, lemon-grass, grapefruit, rosemary, pine, birch, sage, niaouli…change synergy and essential oils every 3weeks.
Accordingly to the type of cellulite, I will advice the best EO synergy and the massage technique. It is easy, efficient and takes only 5 minute per day.
DO not use EO pure on the skin; or if you are allergic to some plants.

Aromatherapy or seaweed bath: for instance: Elemis Cellutox Herbal bath or Arbonne sea salt bath; 2 times a week.
Best cosmetics are the one containing seaweed extracts, theophiline, caffeine, essential oils

My recommended complementary treatment:
Lymphatic drainage
Lympho-Energy: combination of lymphatic drainage and acupressure points

A beautiful body without cellulite is within your reach, and a tailored guidance will help you to attain the maximal results.
I am available for you to ask me further question and we also can arrange your personal consultation: 01428641560 or

Have a beautiful summer!
copyright © 2011 Florence McVeigh

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